For any child safe or privacy-related inquiries, please contact the Privacy Officer

Child Safe Policy

Suburban Australia is dedicated to providing a secure environment for children and is committed to preventing child abuse in all its forms. We prioritize the physical, emotional, and social well-being of children and uphold a zero-tolerance policy towards child abuse.

Our organization has established comprehensive policies and procedures to safeguard children, and any suspicions or concerns regarding child safety will be treated with utmost seriousness. Suburban Australia recognizes that ensuring children’s safety is a collective responsibility of the entire community and emphasizes that child safety is everyone’s concern.

Child Protection Policy

Suburban Australia prioritizes the safety and well-being of all children and young people. We are committed to embedding a culture of child and youth safety within our organization, reflected in our policies, procedures, and practices at all levels.

We ensure that all our representatives understand their ethical obligations towards children and young people and are equipped with the necessary knowledge and guidance to fulfill their roles effectively in ensuring child safety and well-being.


This Policy applies to all representatives of Suburban Australia.


Child or young person: For the purposes of this policy, a child or young person is an individual under the age of 18 years.

Representative: Refers to employees, volunteers, consultants, contractors, consultants, students on placement, individuals undertaking work experience, visitors, and guests associated with Suburban Australia.

Workplace: Encompasses any location or time where staff deliver services, including office areas, schools, community centers, or event venues.

Child abuse: Encompasses all forms of physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and exploitation, neglect or negligent treatment, commercial exploitation, or any action that may result in actual or potential harm to a child or damage their well-being.


Each representative of Suburban Australia is required to:

Agree to abide by the Child Protection Policy. Understand and sign the Code of Conduct. Contribute to creating a learning environment that promotes respect for children and prioritizes their safety and protection. Promptly report any observed child abuse or safety concerns in accordance with the Reporting Procedures. Cooperate fully and confidentially with any investigations related to child safety and protection.


The leadership Suburban Australia is responsible for ensuring that appropriate policies, procedures, and a child-safe culture are established within the organization. The leadership ensures compliance with relevant legislation, organizational policies, and the Code of Conduct.


The Manager of Suburban Australia responds promptly to any concerns or allegations of child abuse and ensures that the leadership is regularly updated on compliance with the Child Protection Policy. The Manager also oversees the training and compliance of all staff with child protection policies and procedures.

Managers are responsible for promoting child safety within their areas of control, ensuring staff compliance with child protection policies, providing necessary training, and promptly addressing any issues or concerns related to child safety.

Human Resources

Human Resources oversees the implementation of child protection policies and procedures, including training, record-keeping, and ensuring that all representatives have appropriate working with children checks. HR also ensures that recruitment processes adhere to child protection requirements.


All representatives of  Suburban Australia must familiarize themselves with relevant legislation, policies, and procedures concerning child protection. They must adhere to the Code of Conduct, promote a safe environment for children, and report any observed or suspected child abuse promptly.

Relevant Legislation and Standards

Suburban Australia adheres to relevant legislation, regulations, and standards, including the Child Protection Act, Working with Children Act, and National Principles for Child Safe Organisations.

Related Organizational Policies and Procedures

Suburban Australia’s Child Protection Policy is supported by various related policies and procedures, including complaints handling, staff recruitment, and risk management.

Statement of Commitment

Suburban Australia is committed to prioritizing the safety and well-being of children above all else. We strive to create an environment that is safe, inclusive, and supportive for all children and young people.


Suburban Australia implements the following Child Protection Policy to promote child safety and well-being:

  1. Leadership, Governance, and Culture
  2. Children and Young People’s Participation and Empowerment
  3. Family and Community Involvement
  4. Equity and Diversity
  5. Staff Recruitment and Suitability
  6. Complaints and Feedback
  7. Staff Support and Development
  8. Safe Physical and Online Environments
  9. Continuous Improvement
  10. Identifying, Responding to, and Reporting Harm and Risk of Harm

Policy Status and Review

This policy was approved by the Manager in March, 2024. It will be reviewed every two years or more frequently if required to ensure compliance with relevant laws and guidelines. Human Resources will lead the review process.

Suburban Australia
ABN: 24550297597
Address: 11 Bryony Court, Kirwan, QLD, 4817